Sunday, May 20, 2012

Using RSS to target indie film to distributors

To the technology world, RSS means, “Really Simple Syndication” not sure what that means? Well, let me say if excused correctly, it will mean additional traffic or attention directed to the target of your choice. Hopefully, that’s your indie film you’re bring attention to.

Digital Marketing
The internet has allowed indie filmmakers to advertise their film to the world and optimize their project to viewers for a minimum cost. By syndicating your film website with the following internet social media tools like, facebook, google plus, twitter, linkedIn, youtube, viemo and Imdb, filmmakers can grab the attention of audiences for a fraction of normal print and advertising cost of traditional film marketing.

Film Applications
Movie goers no longer rely on the weekly Friday or Saturday night to seek there entertainment, now there are mobile apps, laptops, iPads, Kindles all equipped with software that allow fans to download the film of their choice. Connecting to the audience is the objective, for distributors of the digital market. Reach them where they are, on the phone or searching the web using the tool of choice and converting apps to VOD on mobile device.

Independent Monitor
Never fear, free internet application are here, that allow indie filmmaker to monitor the movie “Key Performance Indicators” (KPI) campaign. If your objective is to increase awareness or prompting a product purchase, they can all be monitored by placing KPI’s goals in place, generate a KPI target and agreeing to the target goal.

Filmmakers can use college interns to set up and maintain the digital marketing campaign, list the duration, channels. Interns can suggest the online objective KPI goals and target. Improve the “Search Engine Optimization” (SEO) a webmaster tool that help fans to find your project and offer strategies that will maximum the conversion rate.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Self Film Distribution made eaiser

Self film distribution is on the move, no longer is the platform limited to showing your project at film festivals in hopes of sales agents offering negative pick up deals.  The digital marketing world can help establish independent filmmakers with online opportunities increasing public awareness.

Self-Distribution Websites:
With the help of sites like, SnagFilm, Open Film and Indie-A-Go Go for example, these sites raise revenue, sell ad space and share the revenue percentage with the licensee keeping all rights. SnagFilm and Indie-A-Go Go, also offer the filmmakers to earn full revenue from any DVD distribution deals.

Mopix is the newest addition to the self-distribution world and it’s currently in a beta stage. It’s an application-based platform for content. Filmmakers or distributors can upload all content they would normally put on a deluxe DVD. The price is set by the filmmaker and is made available for viewing using the Mopix application.

Launched recently, Stonehenge Production’s Film applications are also custom designed for each client and include such features as social media integration, social activism components, games and in-application purchase options. The filmmaker maintains 100% of the revenue generated from a Stonehenge developed application and is only charged a startup cost of $680. 

Egg Up, is an online media distribution application that facilitates both film rentals and sales by enabling a filmmaker to distribute films on multiple platforms and websites with creation of what they’re calling an ‘egg’. The filmmaker is able to distribute the film on one’s own website and other online retailers without any set-up fees. Their plans range from a free, 8GB storage plan to a larger storage space offered at $99.99 a month. 

Each year there are more and more website dedicated  to launch film projects to assist indie filmmakers with distribution. Filmmakers no longer need traditional distribution method with the advacement of technology.